15.3 The Result Type

15.3.1 Understanding the Result Enum

The Result type is Rust's primary means of handling recoverable errors. It is defined as:

enum Result<T, E> {
  • Ok(T): Indicates a successful operation, containing a value of type T.
  • Err(E): Represents a failed operation, containing an error value of type E.

Being generic over both T and E, Result can encapsulate any types for success and error scenarios, making it highly versatile.

By convention, the expected outcome is Ok, while the unexpected outcome is Err.

Like the Option type, Result has many methods associated with it. The most basic methods are unwrap and expect, which either yield the element T or abort the program in the case of an error. These methods are typically used only during development or for quick prototypes, as the purpose of the Result type is to avoid program aborts in case of recoverable errors. The Result type also provides the ? operator, which is used to return early from a function in case of an error.

Typical functions of Rust's standard library that return Result types are functions of the io module or the parse function used to convert strings into numeric data.

Common Error Types

Rust's standard library provides several built-in error types:

  • std::io::Error: Represents I/O errors, such as file not found or permission denied.
  • std::num::ParseIntError: Represents errors that occur when parsing strings to numbers.
  • std::fmt::Error: Represents formatting errors.

15.3.2 Comparing Option and Result

Both Option and Result are generic enums provided by Rust's standard library to handle cases where a value might be absent or an operation might fail.

  • Option<T> is defined as:

    enum Option<T> {
  • Result<T, E> is defined as:

    enum Result<T, E> {


  • Both enforce explicit handling of different scenarios.
  • Both are used to represent computations that may not return a value.


  • Purpose:

    • Option: Represents the presence or absence of a value.
    • Result: Represents success or failure of an operation, providing error details.
  • Usage:

    • Option: Used when a value might be missing, but the absence is not an error.
    • Result: Used when an operation might fail, and you want to provide or handle error information.


// Using Option
fn find_user(id: u32) -> Option<User> {
    // Returns Some(User) if found, else None

// Using Result
fn read_number(s: &str) -> Result<i32, std::num::ParseIntError> {

Understanding when to use Option versus Result is crucial for designing clear and effective APIs.

15.3.3 Basic Use of the Result Type

In the following example, parse is used to convert two &str arguments into numeric values, which are multiplied when no parsing errors have been detected. For error detection, we can use pattern matching with the Result enum type:

use std::num::ParseIntError;
fn multiply(first_str: &str, second_str: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {
    match first_str.parse::<i32>() {
        Ok(first_number) => {
            match second_str.parse::<i32>() {
                Ok(second_number) => {
                    Ok(first_number * second_number)
                Err(e) => Err(e),
        Err(e) => Err(e),
fn main() {
    println!("{:?}", multiply("10", "2"));
    println!("{:?}", multiply("x", "y"));

To simplify the above code, methods like map() and and_then() can be used. Both methods will skip the provided operation and return the original error if applied to a Result containing an error.

  • and_then(): Applies a function to the Ok value of a Result, returning another Result. It’s commonly used when the closure itself returns a Result, allowing for chaining operations that may each produce errors. Here, it passes the parsed value of first_str to the closure, which proceeds to parse second_str.

  • map(): Transforms the Ok value of a Result using the provided function but keeps the existing error type. It’s typically used when the closure does not itself return a Result. In this case, map() takes the successfully parsed second_str and directly multiplies it by first_number, returning the result in an Ok.

Here’s how these methods simplify the code:

use std::num::ParseIntError;
fn multiply(first_str: &str, second_str: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {
    first_str.parse::<i32>().and_then(|first_number| {
        second_str.parse::<i32>().map(|second_number| first_number * second_number)
fn main() {
    println!("{:?}", multiply("10", "2"));
    println!("{:?}", multiply("x", "y"));

Using and_then() and map() in this way shortens the code and handles errors gracefully by propagating any error encountered. If either parse operation fails, the error is returned immediately, and the subsequent steps are skipped.

15.3.4 Using Result in main()

Typically, Rust's main() function returns no value, meaning it implicitly returns () (the unit type), which indicates successful completion by default.

However, main can also have a return type of Result, which is useful for handling potential errors at the top level of a program. If an error occurs within main, it will return an error code and print a debug representation of the error (using the Debug trait) to standard error. This behavior provides a convenient way to handle errors without extensive error-handling code.

When main returns an Ok variant, Rust interprets it as successful execution and exits with a status code of 0, a convention in Unix-based systems like Linux to indicate no error. On the other hand, if main returns an Err variant, the OS will receive a non-zero exit code, typically 101, which signifies an error. Rust uses this specific exit code by default for any program that exits with an Err result, although this can be overridden by handling errors directly.

The following example demonstrates a scenario where main returns a Result, allowing error handling without additional boilerplate.

use std::num::ParseIntError;
fn main() -> Result<(), ParseIntError> {
    let number_str = "10";
    let number = match number_str.parse::<i32>() {
        Ok(number) => number,
        Err(e) => return Err(e), // Exits with an error if parsing fails
    println!("{}", number);
    Ok(()) // Exits with status code 0 if no error occurred

Explanation of the Example

  • -> Result<(), ParseIntError>: Declaring Result as the return type for main allows it to either succeed with Ok(()), indicating success with no data returned, or fail with an Err, which provides a ParseIntError if an error occurs.
  • Returning Err(e): When an error is encountered during parsing, Err(e) is returned, and Rust exits with the default non-zero exit code for errors. The error message, formatted by the Debug trait, is printed to standard error, which aids in diagnosing the issue.
  • Returning Ok(()): If parsing succeeds, Ok(()) is returned, and Rust exits with a status code of 0, indicating successful completion.

This approach simplifies error handling in the main function, especially in command-line applications, allowing clean exits with appropriate status codes depending on success or failure.