2.16 Comments and Documentation

Rust, like C, supports // for single-line comments and /* ... */ for multi-line comments. Additionally, Rust provides documentation comments that can be processed by tools like rustdoc to generate HTML documentation.


fn main() {
// This is a single-line comment

   This is a multi-line comment

2.16.2 Documentation Comments

Rust supports special documentation comments:

  • /// documents the next item (e.g., a function or struct).
  • //! documents the enclosing scope, such as a module or crate.
fn main() {
//! This module provides basic mathematical operations for `i32` values.

/// Adds two numbers.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let result = add(2, 3);
/// assert_eq!(result, 5);
/// ```
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

The rustdoc tool extracts these comments to generate structured HTML documentation. Additionally, multi-line documentation comments starting with /** or /*! are supported but are less commonly used.